President Message


In our global age of science and technology, there are many opportunities and occasions to those privileged students. Who can afford the costly education and training program . Both in the country and abroad and thus plan and shape their future . But for those who are under privileged, who live in villages and study and await for a bright future. In order to provide some opportunities of training for such students, the catholic Diocese of Ajmer thought of starting IGMENZ INDUSTRIAL TRAINING CENTRE in Madar. The little flower congregation (CST)  through their superior general, extended their services to the diocese to such a centre. As a first step the society of IGMENZ INDUSTRIAL TRAINING CENTRE was formed and registered. As a second step, the necessary buildings, workshops and a residence for the principal were built. The first Academic year began on 19th August 1997, with 45 students and Fr. Bosco CST as a principal.

We began with the following trades, namely Turner, Fitter, Motor Mechanic and Electronics. There was great demand from parents and students. The management saw that the village boys and girls were benefiting. Hence in the following years, the trade of diesel mechanic and Electrician were added. Today the igmenz institute can cater to more than one hundred and twenty students every year. Besides, the institute is also recognized by NCVT. It is praiseworthy to note that at present a number of industrialist visit the campus and do their selection in the campus itself.

Bishop of Ajmer